Matija Jeras

Software developer with a passion for frontend

About me

I am Matija Jeras, software developer focused on frontend code that enables me to program a clean and intuitive web based applications.

Age 28
Location Ljubljana, Slovenia

Professional skills


Work experience

Frontend Developer at Oryx Gaming
Apr 2017 - May 2019

Developing websites in vanilla HTML, CSS and Javascript, later with Vue.js. Leading a small CMS team to develop, maintain and upgrade custom CMS (PHP, Laravel).

Fullstack Developer at 1Home
May 2019 - Jan 2021

Web application development with Vue.js, Node.js and MongoDB, writing Node.js and GoLang for IOT devices (Raspberry Pi 3&4), IOT devices fleet control & management (Balena + OpenBalena).

Configuring and connecting to smart home servers (KNX, Loxone, GiraHS, GiraX1), writing javascript code for smart assistants APIs (Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Apple Homekit) and integrating them into our system.

Helping with customer support and solving issues directly with clients (Intercom).

Senior Developer at Endava
Jan 2021 - Present

Extending an Angular web application that enables user to interact with a hardware device and displays data/statistics with graphs (Plotly).

Rewriting components from Angular to React (Next.js - SSR) to help with SEO performance.

Improving performance of an Anuglar landing page using Lighthouse.


Bachelor of Computer Science at Faculty of Computer and Information Science
2013 - 2017

Focusing on web technologies and making a diploma on visualizing music on HTML 5 canvas with WebGL.


Matija Jeras